Citron Wild Garden Roses


The perfect way to show love and appreciation. Each hand-crafted garden rose is created with love and won’t wilt with the passing days, just like everlasting love. Surprise someone with this sweet bouquet of citron-colored blooms.

Dimensions: 11”h x 6”w x 6”d.

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The perfect way to show love and appreciation. Each hand-crafted garden rose is created with love and won’t wilt with the passing days, just like everlasting love. Surprise someone with this sweet bouquet of citron-colored blooms.

Dimensions: 11”h x 6”w x 6”d.

The perfect way to show love and appreciation. Each hand-crafted garden rose is created with love and won’t wilt with the passing days, just like everlasting love. Surprise someone with this sweet bouquet of citron-colored blooms.

Dimensions: 11”h x 6”w x 6”d.