This arrangement is an explosion of color and includes a bouquet of a dozen hand-crafted poppies and a few peonies displayed in a hand-painted pitcher.
Poppies and peonies have always evoked pure joy for me. While in nature, these blooms have short blooming seasons, I wanted to create a piece that would evoke the enduring nature of joy brought to us through color, surprise, and texture.
This arrangement is an explosion of color and includes a bouquet of a dozen hand-crafted poppies and a few peonies displayed in a hand-painted pitcher.
Poppies and peonies have always evoked pure joy for me. While in nature, these blooms have short blooming seasons, I wanted to create a piece that would evoke the enduring nature of joy brought to us through color, surprise, and texture.
This arrangement is an explosion of color and includes a bouquet of a dozen hand-crafted poppies and a few peonies displayed in a hand-painted pitcher.
Poppies and peonies have always evoked pure joy for me. While in nature, these blooms have short blooming seasons, I wanted to create a piece that would evoke the enduring nature of joy brought to us through color, surprise, and texture.